Zones is a unique system that aids in the documentation and distribution of documentation to any zone or cell within manufacturing. Basically it provides a platform to specify, using the steps in manufacturing, how a product will be manufactured and the steps required. The system allows PDF, Text and JPG’s to be used which can be displayed, annotated and be controlled under revision control ISO standards.

Zones is used to document the manufacturing of products by breaking the product down into the steps required and providing information, documents and pictures available for each step to complete its assigned task at the place where the step is being performed. Zones distributes this information to the section that requires it. Zones provides the Production Engineering department a single unified place to create, document and store all production information concerning a product that can be easily placed under revision control.
The concept is that all manufacturing can broken down to workcells which are individual steps which need specific information to complete that step. The basic information required such as:
How to perform step
Annotated Pictures
What to inspect to ensure step is complete
Files (eg: test files, programming, etc)
Time required for the step
Employee time logging
Production Engineering are left with the responsibility of ensuring that all steps are completed so that when the steps are followed the work is completed, documented and meets the customers expectations. At New Product Introduction stage they must decide all processes required and document them so that the production department can manufacture reliably and consistently. This information would include but not limited to:
BoM breakdown
Overall Customer BOM indicating which sections in the factory receive which material for kitting purposes.
This way all material contained on the BOM are known to be taken care of.
Visually showing where part is located on assembly.
Annotated pictures of the step process showing exactly what is required.
Test information
Test Procedures
Test Programs
These could be made available through the USB port on terminal.
IC Programming information
Information sheet with procedure and what equipment to use and how to set up.
Binary image files for the programmer.
These could be made available through the USB port on terminal.
The computer can also be used to drive the IC programmer itself, loading the program from the network as well as the binary image. This ensures that the correct programs and binaries are used.
SMT Information
Feeder setup sheets
Hand placement details if required.
Information about Stencils used
Reflow profiles and setup information
FIA programs and information
Quality Assurance are left with the responsibility of ensuring that methods are established for all work cells that allow operators to:
Perform the task repeatably
Repeat the task reliably
Inspect their own output.
Audit this ability
Zones creates the environment to wrap all of these steps up into a unified factory solution which all production information is viewed, modified, annotated, controlled and stored as a package with full revision controls and traceability. It will be able to be divided up into the appropriate areas and displayed as required.